• Poems
  • Verses by F.R.H., Jr.
  • Log of the Auxiliary Schooner Yacht Northern Light Commanded by John Borden, Borden-Field Museum Alaska-Arctic Expedition, 1927
  • Arnold Green: A Sketch
  • Occasional Verses: 1873–1923
  • Chinese Painting
  • John Bunyan Mechanick Preacher
  • Hunt Clubs and Country Clubs in America
  • Humanist Sermons
  • The Inferno from La Divina Commedia of Dante Alighieri
  • Lives
  • Candide
  • Moby Dick, or The Whale
  • Oriental Eclogues
  • Ex-Wife
  • Iorana! A Tahitian Journal
  • Horns in Velvet
  • The Confederate Privateers
  • Miss Zilphia Gant
  • Canterbury Tales
  • The Heathen Chinee, Plain Language from Truthful James
  • Leaven for Loaves: Poems
  • The Book of the Machine
  • City Child, Poems
  • Register of Officers and Members
  • Treasure Island
  • Private Presses and Their Books