• The Annual Report Client
  • Annual Report Trends 5
  • Julliard 1952–53 Ext. Div., catalogue
  • Design with Type
  • The Railroad Station
  • Five Essays on Klee
  • Houston Grand Opera at Fifty
  • A Year from Monday
  • Lederle Bulletin, November 1950
  • Forms and Patterns in Nature
  • Man in the Modern World
  • Lederle Bulletin, February 1951
  • Lederle Bulletin, August 1951
  • Mark Twain’s Burlesque Autobiography
  • West Virginia Inspirations for Printers 182
  • Sincerely Yours: The Famous & Infamous As They Wanted to Be Seen
  • Lectures in Criticism, The Johns Hopkins University
  • Pages from the Press
  • Soutine
  • American Democracy in Theory and Practice. The National Government
  • CBO Interactive Premiere
  • Design for Point of Sale
  • The Art of Indian Asia: Its Mythology and Transformations
  • The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  • World Flight
  • Package Design: The Force of Visual Selling
  • Narrative of an Expedition Against The Revolted Negroes of Surinam