• Architectural Forum/June 1963, magazine cover
  • A Christmas Telegram, greeting folder and envelope
  • Interiors April 1959, cover
  • “Metallica”
  • A Critique of America September/October 1987
  • Is the Middle Class Doomed?
  • The Boston Globe Magazine, October 3, 1982
  • Northwest Extra, Vol. 1 #6/Abortion
  • Alumni Bulletin
  • The New York Times Home Section, September 10, 1981
  • Herald Tribune Sunday Magazine, cover
  • “The Bat's Meow”
  • Metropolitan Home: Los Angeles/Where Trends Come From
  • The Boston Globe Magazine January 10,1982
  • Apple
  • Picture
  • Your Health, Spring 1981
  • Apple Inc.
  • "Moriarty Ad Lib," Dartmouth Magazine
  • L.A.X./Language, Art, Expression
  • The First One, tabloid
  • If NASA Was Like Our City Council, poster
  • Lithopinion 9, house organ journal
  • Student Weekly/Background Report/The Year 2000
  • The New York Times Book Review, December 5, 1982
  • Sports Monday, The New York Times, June 23, 1980
  • The Boston Monthly, September 1979