• It’s Easy To Play Piano, booklet cover
  • The M.I.T. Alfred P. Sloan Fellowships in Executive Development, booklet
  • Print Magazine
  • ADC
  • The New York Times Magazine: Sept. 23, 1984
  • Folktales
  • Swiss Typographic Monthly
  • Mirabella ("Nothing to Wear?")
  • Mr. Big
  • Can a Boy Who Was Born on a Farm in Nebraska  brochure
  • John Baskerville and some other familiar faces...,brochure
  • War is Hell! Ask the Man Who Fought One, poster
  • Cornell
  • Funny how an idea you thought was terrible last night... poster
  • If:
  • “A Conversation With Van Morrison”
  • "Rock & Roll Hall of Fame"
  • Black Face
  • The Plain Dealer Magazine Nov. 18, 1984
  • Art Forum: Summer 1985
  • California Living May 1, 1983
  • A.D. 2053
  • Cowan Christmas card
  • Southbeach, May-June 1993
  • Domus ("Cardinal's Hat")
  • Industrial Launderer March 1982
  • Industrial Launderer December 1982