Continental Harmony website
Continental Harmony website
Continental Harmony website
Continental Harmony website
Continental Harmony website
Continental Harmony website
Continental Harmony website

Continental Harmony website

Popular Front, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2000


Continental Harmony follows 58 composers in different locations across the U.S. as they write and direct music for communities. “Communities In Harmony” allows users to explore the national project and hear the words and music of the 58 commissioned composers. The site also provides information about how to involve your community with music. “Sound Lounge” is a media-rich, interactive playground that gives visitors a taste of the composer’s experience, as it explores how music influences our daily lives. With sound as the driving medium behind the experience, our challenge was to use the right combination of creative and technology to engage the user to unlock the magic of the music. Narration and animation are used to invite the user to interact with the site and discover the essences of music. Recordings and images from each composition project can be explored from a map of the U.S.

Collections: AIGA 365: 22 (2001)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Experience design
Format: Instructional tool, Website


Design firm
Popular Front
Creative director
Laurence Bricker
Design director
Eric Kassel
Project manager
Marny Stebbins
Bill Snyder
Nate Clark
Mike Keefe
Interface design
Eric Kassel, TJ Shaffer
Flash programming
David Holmdahl, Rebecca Smith, Nate Clark
Twin Cities Public Television (TPT),
TPT producer
Erika Herrmann
TPT programming
Chuck Olson
TPT executive producer
Catherine Allan