• Shalom
  • Under $50...
  • Wishful thinning?
  • The Art of Printing, portfolio
  • Print, promotion booklet
  • Broad spectrum papers, portfolio
  • More & More, folder
  • Psychographics, folder
  • First Rehearsals, poster
  • The Bettmann Panopticon Show, flyers
  • Theatre A, counter card
  • La Medecine Dans L’Art, portfolio
  • Olympics Exhibit, announcement
  • The Visual Adventure, announcement
  • Catalyst 12, brochure
  • On your mark, mailer
  • Grants, announcement
  • Symphony of Psalms, program
  • Marshal Dillon Press Kit
  • Folio Four, booklet
  • Human Rights Week, poster
  • Edition Number 1/Type Faces, catalogue
  • New Guinea Primitives, broadside mailer
  • Checkpoint 1964: Stop Evaluate Go, poster
  • Christmas is for children, poster
  • 13 More, type catalogue insert
  • Montag’s Sketch Book