• Volkswagen builds strong bodies 8 ways
  • 8th San Francisco International Film Festival, poster
  • “If hand made whiskey tastes better…”
  • Fun At Aqueduct July 2–28, poster
  • “John & Jane Fly To Europe”
  • “See. All lipsticks are not alike.”
  • Be Fast on Your Feet, poster
  • “In 1949 we sold 2 Volkswagens in the U.S.A.”
  • “Go Ahead!  Have Yourself a Color Fling!”
  • “Serpasil-Apresoline”
  • Introducing the Equa Chair
  • Coca-Cola Bike
  • Lotus Carpets Trade Advertisement
  • Mr. Woolrich Potato Head
  • Toyota Came to Canada…
  • Space Art from the USSR, poster, folder
  • G Cleff, poster
  • Spaces for the Species, poster
  • "Having a talent isn't worth much unless . . .", poster
  • Seals & Crofts/Diamond Girl, poster
  • Nobody looks out for the little guy.
  • At Club Mediterranee, life is so simple . .
  • Why the view is better…
  • "Nature gave you 32 teeth."
  • "When was the last time..."
  • "In a 45 mph crash..."
  • "The same amount of trash..."