• Time Incorporated 1966, The Year in Review booklet
  • Mead Annual Report 1977
  • Prices\, Profits & Ft. Wayne, market report booklet
  • Pepsi Company Annual Report
  • Northrop Annual Report 1976
  • 1974 Annual Report
  • 1970 Annual Report
  • Play & PlayGrounds, report
  • Champion International Corporation ‘78
  • Oceaneering International, Inc. 1977 Annual Report
  • 1975 Annual Report
  • 1974 Annual Report
  • Gould-National Batteries 1968 Annual Report
  • Gould-National Batteries 1969 Annual Report
  • General Dynamics Annual Report 1966 brochure
  • Polaroid Annual Report 1966 brochure
  • Papert, Koenig, Lois, Inc. Annual Report 1965
  • John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1965, annual report
  • Beekman-Downtown Hospital Annual Report
  • Titeflex Annual Report
  • American District Telegraph Annual Report 1977
  • Virginia Paper Company
  • 1974 Annual Report
  • 1973 Annual Report
  • CBS 1971, annual report
  • Annual Report 1969
  • American Can Company and Its People 1968 Annual Report