4 more years of this S#%t
4 more years of this S#%t
4 more years of this S#%t
4 more years of this S#%t
4 more years of this S#%t
4 more years of this S#%t
4 more years of this S#%t

4 more years of this S#%t

Altitude, San Francisco, California, 2004


The design objective was to communicate how millions of Americans, and people around the world, feel about the current administration.

With such a large audience and budget constraints, many traditional methods of communication were ruled out. Allowing viewers to have ownership of the project, and to participate in spreading the message, was the best approach to take. The solution took the form of a viral, experience-based campaign. People are exposed to the message through firsthand observation (on the street), through the web (via forums, blogs and forwarded links) and through postcards. Viewers become participants by sending for free flags, planting them as they see fit, posting photos of their creations, and extending the visibility of the message.

The response has been tremendously positive. The project has given birth to a grassroots campaign of flag planters, both in the United States and globally. It has also increased awareness and discussion of the direction in which our current administration is taking us. There is no ROI in the form of money. Judging from the daily emails of support and continued press coverage, though, the project has had a significant impact.

Collections: AIGA 365: 26 (2005)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Experience design
Format: Illustration, Promotion, Signage, Website, Artifact


Design firm
Creative director/designer
Brian Singer
Contagious Graphics (flags), 4x6 (postcards)
Printing method
Screen-printed (flags), offset (postcards)
Helvetica Neue 45 Light