• Pierre, Or the Ambiguities paperback book cover
  • New World in the Tropics, book jacket
  • The Devil in Bucks County, book jacket
  • Way Through Doors
  • Oil on Water
  • The Marquis de Sade
  • The Boys of My Youth
  • The Day Room
  • A Colder Eye
  • Toots in Solitude
  • The Adweek Portfolio of Illustration
  • Johnny Got His Gun
  • Tristram Shandy
  • Harlem; A community in transition, book jacket
  • Blind Man’s Mark, book jacket
  • Doctor Faustus
  • Madam I’m Adam
  • Vintage Master Musicians: Wagner, Bach, Dufay
  • Diana Cooper
  • The Ticket Out
  • The Indispensable Cat
  • Better Get Your Angel On
  • High Styles
  • Shares and Other Fictions
  • A Short History of 19th Century England, paperback cover
  • A Short History of 20th Century England, paperback cover
  • Zen and Japanese Culture, book jacket