• Brand Hijack
  • Against the Day
  • A Double Life: Director George Cukor
  • The De-Romanization of the American Catholic Church book jacket
  • A Wolf at the Table
  • Simenon
  • Under the Tuscan Sun: At Home in Italy
  • 63rd Art Directors Annual
  • Where the Jackals Howl
  • Printing A Book At Verona in 1622 for Fondation Custodia, 1993
  • School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1998
  • My Life in Politics
  • L.A. REX
  • 826DC: Get Used to the Seats
  • Assessing Educational Practices
  • French Lesson: A Memoir by Alice Kaplan
  • Me a Mound
  • City of Boys
  • Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
  • Interiors Book of Offices, book jacket
  • Lincoln on the Civil War
  • Iso Papo: Drawing & watercolors for the Boston Public Library 2000
  • The Long Suit
  • The Myth of the State
  • The Orton Diaries
  • The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
  • Seven Nights