• Stand by: NBC News, book
  • If Apples had Teeth, jacket
  • Acrobat Admits, book jacket
  • Ceramics, book cover
  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
  • Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash
  • Never Kill A Cop
  • Man-made Transuranium Elements
  • The Psychology of Social Movements
  • Piazza Carignano
  • Fit for America
  • The Character Factory
  • Once in Europa
  • The Seven Ages
  • People Will Talk
  • Arcadio
  • Moon Deluxe
  • The Address Book
  • Diva
  • Dwarf Rapes Nun, Flees in UFO
  • The Meaning of Flowers
  • The Unfinished Country
  • The Kiss
  • A Witch
  • The Future of Conservatism, book jacket
  • The Chocolate Deal
  • The Man Who Wrote Dirty Books, book jacket