• The House, The Colors, The Wind
  • Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf
  • The Life of the Body
  • The Art of Zen
  • Halloween ABC
  • Vienna 1900: Art, Architecture & Design
  • Birds Worth Watching
  • Back on Tuesday
  • Visions of Paradise
  • Ring the Banjar
  • A Writer
  • Washington DC Access
  • In One Day
  • Earthfire
  • Never Done
  • A, B, See!
  • Let’s Make Rabbits
  • The Witch of Scrapfaggot Green
  • Notes Towards a Poem That Can Never Be Written
  • Cooks' Ingredients
  • Graphis Annual, book cover
  • Charles Luckman Associates, promotional book
  • Arts in Virginia, Spring, 1964, book and envelope
  • The Afternoon Cat
  • The Breaking of the Day
  • Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo
  • Read Yourself Raw