• Folktales
  • Light & Verse
  • The Groaning Board
  • Center for Advanced Research in Design, promotional folder
  • Push Pin Graphic, The Diary of a Madman, booklet
  • Problem Solving in Space and Defense, promotion booklet
  • Ansel Films, Inc. moves from…, flip booklet
  • If:
  • The Barney Schools
  • Towne Club
  • Haycock Kienberger Design Studio
  • Guide to New York Design Scene
  • A.D. 2053
  • Upfront Invitation
  • Poetica (Type Specimen Booklet)
  • Karma
  • Prized Pieces
  • Solid Fibre Packaging, folder with inserts
  • Head Ski/Head Man Seminar '68, box and seminar kit
  • 1966 A Year of Movement...booklets in portfolio
  • Push Pin Graphic, War Yes, Sex No, booklet
  • School of Visual Arts Illustrators, exhibition booklet
  • Why do your advertising messages…[hands], promotion booklet
  • Lee: Dimensions vol. 3 no. 3 Fall 1959
  • Peridot Gallery, exhibition announcment
  • Steuben Crystal
  • Huntsman Associates