• You Ought To Be in Pictures, storyboard booklet
  • If We Bury The First Amendment Will We Rest In Peace? booklet
  • News Gothic—News Gothic Bold
  • Beyond This Place
  • Masterworks, booklet
  • Crane Is Cotton
  • Un Nouveau Museé . . . Pour Rire
  • Puffin Books, 1981
  • Aquatennial Civic Membership Package
  • Legion of Honor, program
  • Legal Education Today
  • 1994 Bridgestone Bicycle Catalog
  • Minion/Three-Axis Typeface (Type Specimen Booklet)
  • Your Brother's Keeper/Group Health Plan
  • IBM: Tucson: Invitation to Excellence
  • The Spencer Francey Group Inc.
  • Sixteen San Francisco Artists Present Alvin Duskin's Vote on High-Rise Coloring Book, campaign booklet
  • Artists of Books for Children
  • Call For Entries—AIGA
  • Time Warner 1990 Annual  Report
  • 1988 MTV Video Music Awards
  • Equipots, Inc.
  • Forty-two Engravings by Thomas Bewick
  • AIGA/Seattle 1993 Annual Report
  • Agouron Pharmaceuticals 1993 Annual Report
  • Changes
  • Selling Design