• Eska-Deck, calorie cards
  • Happy New Year, card
  • 24 Days to Christmas, card
  • Christmas Card
  • Cat With Apples
  • Memory with Animals
  • “California Freeway”
  • “Nu Wave Girl”
  • "Peace on ... !" Christmas card
  • I still say no star…, Christmas card
  • Gina, Lisa, Helen, Gene Federico—, Christmas card
  • Theatre A, counter card
  • Bah! Humbug!, Christmas card
  • Season’s Greetings, Christmas card
  • Post card
  • Proofreader’s Marks, Christmas card
  • Feliz Año Nuevo, Christmas card
  • Season’s Greetings, Christmas card
  • Season’s Greetings from Carel and Frank Werber, Christmas card
  • Time Incorporated, postcards
  • Eileen Whalen, promotion card
  • Salesman’s advance card
  • Musachio Christmas Card
  • Paccione Christmas Card, dictionary
  • Angel, Christmas card
  • Season’s Greetings