• Michael Vanderbyl
  • Anything Goes
  • The New Yorker: March 10, 1986
  • Squibbline, Winter 87
  • II Fornaio
  • The Peron Novel
  • Encyclopedia Placematica
  • Atlanta Weekly Dec. 22, 1985
  • The Reagan
  • Miniature Golf
  • Bear Chair
  • Blues Roots, record cover
  • Lightnin'! record cover
  • Calling: July 6, 1986
  • Happy Birthday Bach
  • Mothers
  • Fathers
  • Mussolini
  • Talking Heads
  • Print: May/June 1984
  • Graphis 235
  • Westweek '84
  • The Rainbow Box
  • New York: Jan. 28, 1985
  • Red Grooms
  • Swept Away
  • Men's Fall Fashion