• David Webb
  • Preservation & Urban Revitalization
  • Heritage Christmas Card
  • Supertramp — “World Tour 1983”
  • Ted Colangelo Associates An agency for interesting times
  • A patient is more than the sum of physical findings
  • 15th Avenue Studio
  • It's a Picnic...
  • Dallas Museum of Art
  • Jimmy Cliff/Special
  • The Boston Globe Magazine, June 12, 1983
  • Graphis
  • Paul Davis/Art Center College of Design
  • Open Firehouse/NCSDC
  • Ansel Adams
  • Le Petit Trianon
  • Target Holiday
  • Connections
  • When Is Coated Overcoated?
  • Art Direction, November 1981
  • Bob Peters; Illustration
  • Turner Pins
  • Union Tribune Park Bench Truck
  • Ed Gold Poster
  • Blossoming South Coast Plaza Shopping Bag
  • 5 Alone Together
  • J. Patrick's Lounge