• "Sisters"
  • "Brother-in-law"
  • "Theme"
  • "Opening Hood (Creaking Door)"
  • "Chameleon Man"
  • "Follow the Leader"
  • "New York Stories"
  • "Ten Little Indians"
  • "Morley: London"
  • "Morley: Proud"
  • "Front Four"
  • Michael Jackson “Black or White”
  • Garbage “Queer” Video
  • Numerical Countdown Video: Fox Broadcasting Company
  • “Fox Broadcasting Company Numerical Countdown”
  • "Sisters"
  • "Moving"
  • "Desert Bloom"
  • “Kajoobies” Breast Cancer Public Service Announcement
  • "Have a Good Day"
  • "Lady and the Tiger"
  • "We Know What You Think"
  • Sequence  Medicine at the Crossroads
  • Michigan Bell Television Commercial
  • "Flying"
  • "Small Town USA"
  • Hip Hop Week spot