• "Rocker"
  • "Vote"
  • "Eric Bleeding"
  • "Zip Loan"
  • Univision On-Air ID
  • MTV Sound Cue Menus
  • WLVI — News at Ten
  • "City Slickers“
  • "Five Easy Places"
  • "Animated Newspaper"
  • "Pro Keds, Willis Reed"
  • "Refuse Abuse"
  • Discovery: ‘Grow’ :30
  • Mobil Showcase—A Moon for the Misbegotten, TV title
  • "J. Paul Getty"
  • "Race Track"
  • "Truck Driver"
  • "For Sale"
  • “Just a Kid with a Corgi"
  • "Three British Men"
  • One Time Only
  • "Sisters"
  • "Brother-in-law"
  • "Theme"
  • "Opening Hood (Creaking Door)"
  • "Chameleon Man"
  • "Follow the Leader"