• Incentive Sales Packet
  • Schaefer Cream Ale Bottle/Can/6-Pack
  • Marks’ Cutlery Nail Clipper
  • Ohio Blue Tip Matches, king-sized slide box
  • Self Promotion Bee Mine
  • Deftones: White Pony
  • Ile Aiye
  • Machine Age Voodoo
  • Take me Back to Chicago…
  • Peter Bradford and Associates
  • Round Round, promotional package
  • The Restless Earth, desk display
  • Tabasco, mailing tube with bottle
  • Victoria Pantry
  • New Year's 1991 Shopping Bag
  • Fallon Watches
  • Cubizm Portraits
  • Platinum Diskettes
  • Kay Cee: Escape
  • "Michael Jackson in Fantasyland"
  • Revenge of Permanent Wave
  • Billy Cobham's Glass Menagerie
  • Tommy Tutone
  • Pow Wow Mix
  • World Party: Goodbye Jumbo
  • Simpson
  • Oola