• Deep Purple Fireball, poster
  • Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, poster
  • Plastic Objects and Sculptured Objects...,poster and program
  • Clean Air Car Race, poster and button
  • AIGA 1969 Learning Materials Show, call for entries
  • Ikko Tanaka: Colors of Japan
  • Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games
  • Beethoven Festival
  • Young People's Art Exhibit poster
  • The Bettmann Archive, poster
  • The M.I.T. Gilbert and Sullivan Society, poster
  • Santos, An exhibition…Puerto Rico, poster
  • Sparklehorse
  • SVA subway poster
  • SVA subway poster
  • Sterling Design Poster
  • Traditional Family Values
  • Fall Registration
  • Fall Registration
  • Exhibitor Show '90
  • Y-Day
  • 8+1
  • AIDS
  • Space Party
  • Space Apple
  • “Dead of Winter”
  • Miles Davis “Tutu”