• Seymour Duncan
  • California Public Radio
  • The Classics
  • '81 SWA Xmas
  • EAT Chez Panisse 9th Birthday
  • AIA 100
  • New York is Gardens & Zoos
  • Blotto Studio Self Promotional Poster
  • "Tricky Ollie” Poster
  • AM MA
  • Frog
  • John Massey
  • What Color is Farming?
  • Minstrel Man Poster
  • Pioneers of Flight, poster
  • Open House invitation poster
  • Halloween Dance
  • Beaunit: The People Who Put The Silkworm..., poster
  • Bow Wow House
  • Stop Swiping Cinzano Ashtrays.  Start Buying Cinzano Vermouth, poster
  • Ludlow Garamond Light Italic Poster from Typography & Paper Series
  • Flight and Force Poster Series
  • Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology
  • Japanese Flowering Crab
  • Party on the Green
  • Cross Associates Designers
  • Archifête 84