• Design Logic
  • Change or Die
  • Hill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos, Inc., stationery
  • Mantle Men & Namath Girls, Inc., large envelope
  • Pate International
  • Join us in Miami Sweepstakes, letterhead
  • Pepsi-Cola Exhibition Gallery, letterhead, envelope
  • Abraham L. Wax, letterhead and envelope
  • Master Models, letterhead and envelope
  • If you want Depth, envelope
  • Christmas Festival, special envelope
  • Cynthia Branch
  • Saul Bass
  • Mary Keck
  • Bromley/Jacobsen
  • Vermillion
  • Polite Design
  • An Evening with Groucho Marx, invitation and stationery
  • AIGA Communication Graphics 1968, call and stationery
  • Bonder & Carnase Studio, Inc., letterhead and envelope
  • News from Columbia Phonographs, letterhead
  • Arnold Gay, letterhead and envelope
  • Gifford Animation
  • Irisvision
  • Joan Ostrin
  • Gary White, stationery and business card
  • Ronald Seymour