• Annette Day, personal stationery
  • Hamby, Kennerly, Slomanson & Smith Architects,stationery
  • Anspach Grossman Portugal, stationery system
  • Boonshaft, Inc. stationery
  • Tal Ludivico, letterhead
  • Just Type
  • Bonnier International, stationery, business card
  • Zebra Associates, Inc., stationery
  • Poppy Records, letterhead and mailing label
  • Bonder & Carnase Studio, Inc., stationery
  • Cinema Center Films, masthead
  • Crocker-Weinberg, Visual Design, letterhead
  • Judy Wald Personnel Agency, stationery
  • The S.J. Miller Organization, letterhead, stationery
  • De Harak, letterhead, billhead, envelope, card
  • Cueline, letterhead
  • Berch & Berkman, CPA
  • Patrice Pallone
  • Burgess Blevins Photography, stationery
  • NASA, stationery series
  • The Overlook Press, letterhead and envelope
  • The Silver Bulletin, stationery
  • Semper/Moser & Associates, stationery
  • Alexandre Georges, envelope, letterhead, card
  • Magna Motors, Inc., letterhead and envelope
  • Allan & Nancy Fleming
  • Dan Lynch, Private Investigator