• The Overlook Press, letterhead and envelope
  • The Silver Bulletin, stationery
  • Semper/Moser & Associates, stationery
  • Alexandre Georges, envelope, letterhead, card
  • Magna Motors, Inc., letterhead and envelope
  • Allan & Nancy Fleming
  • Dan Lynch, Private Investigator
  • Street Shoes
  • Design Studio 2, Architects and Developers, stationery and business card
  • Lawrence Miller and Associates, letterhead and business card
  • Technical Installations & Services, Inc., stationery
  • Kona Village stationery
  • A Charlie Brown Christmas, letterhead
  • 9th Annual Visual Communications Conference, letterhead
  • New Vision Display, stationery
  • Abraham M. Seligman, letterhead and envelope
  • Mrs. Phyllis Hyde
  • Doiron’s/Invoice
  • Hixo, “Past Due”
  • WAPE, letterhead
  • Scene East Productions Ltd., logo and stationery
  • Ninth Floor, stationery, business card
  • ah! oh! Anthony Hyde, Jr. Photography, stationery
  • Children’s Caravan, trademark and stationery
  • The Push Pin Studios, Inc., stationery
  • Hayett, letterhead, envelope, card
  • Surmain Associates