• College Algebra
  • Pen Pictures of Early Western Pennsylvania
  • Fashion is Spinach
  • Great Indian Chiefs
  • And There Was America
  • Of Human Bondage
  • A People’s History of England
  • Walker Evans: American Photographs
  • The Poetical Career of Alexander Pope
  • Toward a Literate World
  • Skyways
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Maxims of the duc de la Rochefoucauld
  • The Three Policemen
  • This Is Living, A View of Nature with Photographs
  • Alvar Aalto: Architecture and Furniture
  • The Tails Book, A Modern Bestiary
  • British Poetry and Prose, Revised Edition
  • The California Woodpecker and I, A Study in Comparative Zoölogy
  • The Unpublished Letters of Bayard Taylor in the Huntington Library
  • The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, With a Special Introduction and Explanatory Notes by President Roosevelt
  • Hurry Hurry: A Tale of Calamity and Woe, or: A Lesson in Leisure
  • Flower and Fruit Prints of the 18th and Early 19th Centuries
  • Elihu Root, President of the Century Association, 1918–1927, Addresses made in his honor at the Club House, April 27, 1937
  • Sticks Across the Chimney, A Story of Denmark
  • The Underwater Zoo, From the illustrated journal of Theodore McClintock
  • Phoenixiana, A Collection of the Burlesques & Sketches of John Phoenix, alias John P. Squibob, who was, in fact, Lieutenant George H. Derby, U.S.A.