• “Dr. Johnson on the human horizon”
  • Mental Health, booklet
  • “Alcoa Forecast, Hors d’oeuvre Tree Advertisement”
  • “Are You a Man Without a Store?”
  • Ambar—She needn’t be wound up
  • Typewriter Folder ST-3
  • Art Directors Club Art Exhibit
  • Ambar—he needn’t blow his top
  • “Don’t be Afraid, Debby”
  • Keisen, brochure
  • Corporate Pension Plan
  • “IMFERON, Infants with Severe Iron Deficiency…”
  • Venit! Vidit! Vicit!
  • The Printed Word
  • Tagged for Success
  • News Gothic—News Gothic Bold
  • Beyond This Place
  • A Letter from Mrs. Knoll
  • Masterworks, booklet
  • Presidential Preview, kit
  • “No Pain—No Memory—No Nightmare of Fear”
  • Generic Foil Packaging, demonstration kit
  • M Squad
  • Corporate Life Insurance Plan
  • Call For Entries—AIGA
  • Westvaco, leaflet
  • 1958 Vogue Gift Subscription, Christmas card