• Veterinary order form, brochure cover
  • Annual Report 1962
  • Season’s Greetings from Carel and Frank Werber, Christmas card
  • Comment maintenant brune vache?, announcement
  • “(We did it!)”
  • “She’s entitled”
  • “The heart has its own reasons”
  • “That’s Bread!”
  • “Trust your car”
  • Fortune 500, July 1963
  • Torin Corporation
  • Biblioteca Sansoni
  • Space Electronics (May 1963), poster
  • The French Accents, booklet
  • Honey Dipped Fried Chicken, menu tab
  • Push Pin Graphic, Number 41
  • Fourth annual collegiate packaging design contest, brochure
  • SVA, School of Visual Arts, catalog cover
  • Streisand moving announcement, card and envelope
  • “Notes of triumph”
  • Personnel Book
  • The Giants of Jazz, record cover
  • Gardens, Japan, Southeast Asia, announcement
  • Regulated Elimination, mailing piece
  • Elaine Sorel est la representative de Paul Davis, postcard
  • Capla® (mebutamate) in Practice, brochure
  • The Ballad of Robin Hood, record cover