• A Seizure of Limericks, book jacket
  • The Banjo Barons, record album cover
  • History of the Centrifuge, book
  • This is the new Xerox 813 copier, pop-up folder
  • Xerox Corp. 1963 Annual Report, cover
  • What does the Journal look like…, promotion wrapper
  • The wind blows, the grass bends, book
  • “Funny that fat people have fat dogs”
  • John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
  • The culturally deprived, brochure
  • 8th San Francisco International Film Festival, poster
  • Arts in Virginia, Spring, 1964, book and envelope
  • “If hand made whiskey tastes better…”
  • Charlie Brown’s Ale & Chop House, lunch menu
  • The Smith-Amherst and M.I.T. Symphony Orchestras, poster
  • All in favor of the Experimental Film Session?, poster
  • Imagination IV, envelope & brochure
  • Bob Dylan, promotional flyer
  • National Society of Interior Designers, poster
  • Papert, Koenig, Lois, Inc. Annual Report
  • Table of the Solution of Cubic Equations, paperback book cover
  • Barbra Streisand, The Third Album, record album cover
  • Theodore Roosevelt’s Letters to His Children, paperback book cover
  • Brentwood Financial Corp.  Annual Report
  • Another side of Bob Dylan, record album cover
  • Xerox Corporation New York showroom formal opening, announcement cover
  • “It makes the commercials smaller”