• The Smith-Amherst and M.I.T. Symphony Orchestras, poster
  • All in favor of the Experimental Film Session?, poster
  • Imagination IV, envelope & brochure
  • Bob Dylan, promotional flyer
  • National Society of Interior Designers, poster
  • Papert, Koenig, Lois, Inc. Annual Report
  • Table of the Solution of Cubic Equations, paperback book cover
  • Barbra Streisand, The Third Album, record album cover
  • Theodore Roosevelt’s Letters to His Children, paperback book cover
  • Brentwood Financial Corp.  Annual Report
  • Another side of Bob Dylan, record album cover
  • Xerox Corporation New York showroom formal opening, announcement cover
  • “It makes the commercials smaller”
  • “Fat pants never won fair maid”
  • Antony and Cleopatra, paperback book cover
  • New Faces From Weltz, cover
  • Big A, poster
  • For noses of every description…Otrivin, mailer
  • John Usiak, proof-mat as business card
  • The Stars Hall of Fame, brochure
  • The Affluent Millions, promotion booklet
  • Measure for Measure, paperback book cover
  • “The blind are also color blind”
  • “It’s not fake anything.  It’s real Dynel”
  • Vernacular America:  Sources of Pop Art, poster
  • American Literature Vol. III, paperback cover
  • Join us in Miami Sweepstakes, letterhead