• The Five O’Clock News, poster
  • The Object Transformed, exhibition catalogue
  • Highway Hypnosis
  • National Park Service
  • A Corporation and a Molecule, booklet
  • It’s a dirty world.
  • There’s this Irish town. Rosscarbery.
  • Esquire, October 1965, magazine cover
  • Esquire, July 1966, magazine cover
  • The Private Press, exhibition announcement
  • Call for Entries, booklet
  • The $75 Tire
  • Fundador 32 Star.
  • Fresh-killed chicken.
  • Pockets Books Exhibition/AIGA/1966, catalogue
  • Mom, what’s a Uniroyal?
  • The Saturday Late Show, brochure
  • It helps you see better.
  • The great baggage race.
  • Papert, Koenig, Lois, Inc. Annual Report 1965
  • John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1965, annual report
  • Read any good fertilizer bags lately?
  • The Educated Eye: II, record album
  • Antiworlds/The Poetry of Andre Vosnesensky, record album cover
  • “Esto es publicidad para Berlitz”
  • It’s like opening a present.
  • The Role of the Computer in Civil Engineering, brochure