• Price List, booklet
  • Astoria Press, Inc., stationery
  • Kids Campaign, letterhead
  • Ibid, stationery
  • Tom Woodward, stationery
  • Finally, poster
  • Horn/Griner 1966, calendar
  • D-Day, record label
  • Ramparts, magazine cover
  • Wrapping paper
  • I still say no star…, Christmas card
  • Laverne, trademark announcement
  • The Architectural Forum, magazine cover
  • $99.95 Why sweat?
  • The $100 Difference
  • Psychographics, folder
  • Architectural News vol. 8 no. 3
  • Architectural News vol. 8 no. 6
  • Seatrain Lines, Inc.
  • Screen Gems
  • Knoll International
  • Dot Zero Magazine
  • Knoll International
  • Push Pin Graphics, Number 50, booklet
  • 100 Little Blunders
  • Celanese, brochure
  • Environment of Change, conference booklet