• "In Appreciation of the Generous Contribution . . .", certificate
  • Bushby-Mclntire Associates, stationery and business card
  • Jean Shepherd at Carnegie Hall, poster
  • Calendar of Events, monthly exhibition announcements
  • Zographos, catalog
  • CCA 1974 Calendar
  • Heublein at 100, brochure
  • Challenges to Meet, 1975 Annual Convention, poster-announcement
  • PATHway to Lower Manhattan, poster
  • Pick Up Some Cash Today, poster
  • "Due to lack of energy… " Christmas card
  • Senate of Priests, logo
  • Michigan Inter-Arts Conference, announcement folder
  • AIGA Book Clinic 1974/1975, program poster
  • The Printing Salesman's Herald Book 33, magazine
  • Office Building Fire Communications System, brochure
  • Call for Entries, Student Art Competition, poster
  • CBS 73 Annual Report
  • Marketing Problems and Their Solution Through Design, brochure
  • This Precious Earth, brochure
  • CCA 1975 Calendar
  • Diane Arbus, exhibition poster
  • 1974 Annual Report
  • ABC-TV Sports Calendar January-June 1975
  • Beaunit Tricot Fabrics Spring 1975, fold-out sample card
  • Corporate Manager's Meeting, agenda brochure and pad
  • Denny Harris, promotion mailer