• "Fall Calendar"
  • 77 Good Books
  • Black Box 
  • The Color Connection
  • "nooz"
  • The CBS Late Movie
  • Stationery
  • Richard M. Nixon
  • Richard M. Nixon
  • Henry Kissinger
  • Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Thieu
  • South Africa’s Seat of Power
  • Heiliday Inn: Welcome Watergaters
  • In Jamaica, They Wait
  • Poland Is Not an Exact Fit
  • We Will Not Repeat the Sin
  • Rolling Stone, December 15, 1977
  • IBM World Trade America Headquarters
  • Designer’s Saturday
  • Faces
  • American Heritage, 1977-1979
  • Stationery: Bill Yoe
  • Intervest Corporate Brochure
  • The Brooklyn Children's Museum Poster
  • Itel Corporation Annual Report 1976
  • Capabilities Brochure
  • Your Merrill Lynch Benefits