• On Market Street
  • CPFA/1979
  • Mountain Lid Woolens
  • The Overlook Press
  • Freightliner
  • Handbook of Regular Patterns
  • Nightdances
  • A Happy Book of Happy Stories
  • California Public Radio
  • Katz & Dogs
  • Compagnie Française des Isolantes
  • Champion Magazine #6
  • Comedy under Cover
  • Dollar Brand
  • Metro Magazine, Summer 1981
  • Putting an Arm on Space
  • A Visit With Magritte
  • The Maid of the North
  • Milton Avery
  • Jay McShann: The Big Apple Bash
  • Harbert Corporation
  • Fire Journal, March 1980
  • Forbes, December 10, 1979
  • Blind Date
  • Communicating with the Chinese Market
  • Ogden Corporation, 1978 Annual Report
  • Edith Sitwell