• Vita Maxima: Some Good News That Men Can Live With
  • Solomon Brothers Asset Management Inc.
  • Walt Disney World
  • The First NY Festival of the Arts
  • Georges Latour Tasting Notebook
  • Rushton, Green and Grossutti, Inc.
  • New York Chapter/The American Institute of Architects
  • Finally An Event... There's No Place Like Home
  • Art Center Review #7
  • Time Warner
  • Exploring a World of Business Needs
  • Associated Press/World Service
  • Associated Press
  • Look into Lynx
  • Harditexture System
  • Christopher Columbus & the First Voyages...
  • Red, White & Blue Productions, Inc.
  • New View Window Computing
  • Making A Dream....
  • The Official National Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum 1991 Calendar
  • The New Urban Landscape
  • AIGA 75th Birthday Party
  • The American Experience
  • The Progressive Corporation: Our Report to the Community on Philanthropic Contributions
  • Trinity University: A Decade of Emergence
  • Norcen Energy Resources, Ltd.
  • Imagine