• Animated Maps
  • L’Oréal Beauty Event
  • Experiments
  • The Third Lie
  • L’Amour Inspiration Book
  • Industrial Light and Magic Poster
  • Sundial
  • Dirty, Clean + Tough
  • ESPN 2 College Football
  • Toad The Wet Sprocket, “Dulcinea” CD Extra
  • Vizability CD-Rom
  • Swatch Euro All Star Fussball
  • Nike LA Books II campaign
  • Yakima Packaging
  • Oasis
  • Map and Guide to Fisherman’s Wharf
  • The Poet’s Notebook
  • Partnership For A Drug Free America Video
  • UCLA Extension Program Course Catalogue
  • Guggenheim Magazine, Spring/Summer 1994
  • Shooting in the Subway
  • Dean Rogers Music and Sound Design logo
  • Smoke and Mirrors
  • Dallas Society of Visual Communication Poster
  • Simpson NEO Paper Promotion
  • The Ballistics of Assassination
  • Go Hard or Go Home