• Still More Distant Journeys
  • Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation: Campaign for the Next Century
  • Bunny Modern
  • As in Queen (The ABCedarium of a Typophiliac)
  • Luminous Code: Photo-Based Artworks Catalogue
  • 1185 Design Website
  • New Work 2
  • U&lc Magazine (Vol. XXIII, No. IV, Spring 1997)
  • Texaco
  • From the Center: Design Process at Southern California Institute of Architecture
  • GTE Mainstreet
  • Garden of Samsung Electronics Exhibition
  • Superdrug Specialist Vitamin Supplements Packaging
  • Shaped Poetry
  • Henry Dreyfuss Exhibition Design and Graphics
  • Virtual Telemetrix 1997 Annual Report
  • Golden Cockerel Type
  • New Urbanity: The Entertainment District in Singapore
  • Word + Image: Swiss Poster Design, 1955–1997
  • Geron 1996 Annual Reports (Large and Small Formats)
  • A Commonsense Guide to Your 401(k)
  • Henry Dreyfuss Industrial Designer: The Man in the Brown Suit
  • Grand Central Terminal Construction Barricades
  • Bordertown
  • Post-War Literature
  • The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
  • Mason and Dixon