• “Smarty” cover, ESPN The Magazine
  • Truth and the Past
  • “Seasons” fund raising series
  • Bottle, 44º North vodka
  • The Unsubscriber
  • Donor wall, Bay Area Discovery Museum
  • Animal Rights and Moral Philosophy
  • Topaz typeface
  • The State of Architecture at the Beginning of the 21st Century
  • Art of Speed posters
  • “Forest of the World”
  • Brown Jesus
  • The Ice Chorus
  • Cape Symphony Orchestra Interactive Web Site
  • Fishwrap 4
  • Resistance
  • Business card, Sagmeister Inc.
  • Taboo series
  • Article, "The Strokers," The New York Times Magazine
  • The Best Thing About Being a Bird
  • Stationery, Powell Communications
  • Packaging, Quattro
  • Fevolution: The Art of Feric
  • Natasha
  • Article, “Longing,” The New York Times Magazine
  • The Bug
  • Bush on the Couch