Weare scarf

Weare scarf

Moving Brands, London, England, 2008


We set out to bring together the worlds of fashion and technology by designing a fashion item based on co—creation and social networking. We set up a website where the public could create images for us to then turn into fashion design and the first user—generated fashion item. We collected all the resulting doodles from the website and used them to make a pattern on a scarf. The scarf was made available to buy online and in select independent design shops in London. The Weare scarf generated a blizzard of publicity both online and in the press. 

Juror Notes

Great idea that looks good; intriguing and inviting. Aggregation of ideas to form a pattern. Seduced equally by the idea and the look; it stands out.

Collections: AIGA 365: 30 (2009)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Experience design
Format: Artifact, Experience