Santa Composição Portfolio
Santa Composição Portfolio
Santa Composição Portfolio
Santa Composição Portfolio
Santa Composição Portfolio
Santa Composição Portfolio
Santa Composição Portfolio
Santa Composição Portfolio

Santa Composição Portfolio

Santa Composição, São Paulo, Brazil, 2009


Since 2003, Santa Composição has created editorial projects, visual identities, graphic web materials and content for the development of special lines of products. The formula is simple: to add concept and unity to the different graphic and editorial materials of a company, joining content and design. How? By first understanding the positioning of the mark, product or company so that each action adds value.

Producing a portfolio for ourselves that combines all of our projects in just one piece was a challenge. We also had to show the experience we had in different areas, as well as our work with different tools off-print.

Juror Notes

Couldn’t read a word but got the print. A nice package.

Collections: AIGA 365: 31 (2010)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Brand and identity systems design
Format: Catalogue


Design firm
Santa Composição
Creative director
Mariana Secches
Juliana Zugaib
Andre Brandão, Romulo Fialdini, Geraldo Pestalozzi
Santa Composição