• Old Spice launch
  • The Marvelous Museum
  • University of California Undergraduate Researchers
  • Espolón
  • SummerWorks 2010
  • David Taylor: Working the Line
  • MTV redesign
  • ABEX
  • Matter Strategic Design 2011 notebook
  • Target Chalet: Winter X Games
  • Art of McSweeney’s
  • Too Cool for School
  • KNOCK, 3-D
  • AIGA 50 Books/50 Covers of 2009 exhibition and collateral
  • Karey Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Schwinn Bell Choir
  • LATE Neons
  • The Law Foundation of Ontario
  • Svelte
  • Ace Hotel mural
  • On Line: Drawing Through the Twentieth Century
  • One Laptop per Child
  • Marina Abramović: The Artist is Present
  • Mohawk Loop Brand Launch
  • Along a Long Road
  • My Fair Lady
  • eBay