Copy Magazine Spreads
Copy Magazine Spreads
Copy Magazine Spreads
Copy Magazine Spreads
Copy Magazine Spreads
Copy Magazine Spreads
Copy Magazine Spreads

Copy Magazine Spreads

Sagmeister Inc., New York, New York, 2003


Each month, the Austrian magazine copy commissions a new studio/artist to design its divider pages. These spreads don’t need to sell or promote anything, they just separate different chapters of the technology/art/lifestyle magazine.

I was commissioned to create six double-page spreads for one issue. Together, the spreads read: Having / guts / always / works out / for / me. I found the text in my diary under the heading “Things I have learned in my life so far.”

The estimated total production cost was $125,000.

Juror Notes

Irreverent, innovative, funny, sophisticated whimsy. There’s thought behind it.

“It is typography as art. And it's provocative.” Susanna Dulkinys

Collections: AIGA 365: 25 (2004)
Discipline: Typographic design
Format: Magazine