• 2003 annual report, NFB
  • 2003 annual report, Vivus, Inc.
  • Bumble and bumble. University catalogue
  • History of Work
  • Mural, Genealogy of Speed
  • Purpose, Values and Behaviors, Gap
  • I.D. magazine 2004 issues
  • The Journal of the Shivas Irons Society
  • Fishwrap 4
  • Paper magazine cover
  • The Nose, issues 9 and 10
  • “Smarty” cover, ESPN The Magazine
  • “The Potential of Place” issue, See
  • “Year in Ideas” issue, The New York Times Magazine
  • Article, "The Making of a Library," Metropolis magazine
  • Article, "The Strokers," The New York Times Magazine
  • Article, "Twenty/Twenty Visions," City magazine
  • Article, “Great Performers,”  The New York Times Magazine
  • Article, “Having a Blast,” The New York Times Magazine
  • Article, “Longing,” The New York Times Magazine
  • Article, “The Gilded Age,” “T Design” issue, The New York Times Magazine
  • Cover, "T Design" issue, The New York Times Magazine
  • Program book, Hip Hop Honors
  • Visual Issue (January 2004/December 2005) and October 2004 issue, The Believer
  • Wilco—a ghost is born
  • “Many Thanks” wall, U.S. Green Building Council
  • AIGA "50 Books/50 Covers of 2003" exhibition