• Pan Am 747
  • Pan Am 747 menus
  • PBS identities
  • Phillip Morris tower sign
  • Rahmi M. Koc. Industrial Museum
  • Ring of Fire Aquarium
  • Robert F. Kennedy Foundation
  • Rockefeller Center
  • Screen Gems
  • Shinsegae bags
  • Simpson Paper Company, Sequences
  • Smithsonian Sun logo
  • St. Louis Children’s Zoo
  • Telemundo
  • Tennessee Aquarium
  • Tennessee Aquarium
  • The May Department Stores
  • The Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles brochure
  • The National Aquarium, Baltimore
  • Time Warner
  • Toledo Museum of Art identity
  • Travel Agent
  • Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corporation
  • U.S. pavilion, Expo ’70
  • UConn signage
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency
  • Univision