• It's Here! Polaroid's SX-70., poster
  • Jamaica. Just a few hours away.
  • Kjaerholm Seating Collection, poster
  • Lightworks, poster
  • Melange, brochure
  • Moving Growing, plant relocation announcement, composite can with card inside
  • Nobody looks out for the little guy.
  • Ohrbach's newest store . . .
  • Options and Alternatives: Some Directions in Recent Art, catalog
  • Parsons Portfolio Catalog, brochure
  • Pele: The Master and His Method, instructional manual
  • Perspecta Thirteen/Perspecta Fourteen, poster
  • Polaroid Photography, poster
  • Prattonia 1973, year annual
  • Prehistoric Camels, A Frenchman from Missouri…., poster
  • Round Round, promotional package
  • Seals & Crofts/Diamond Girl, poster
  • Solid Fibre Packaging, folder with inserts
  • Spirit Paintings, poster
  • Steam Engines, poster
  • Swain Exhibition Schedule, poster-mailer
  • The Architect and the Energy Crisis, poster
  • The first advertisement for scotch by someone who doesn't touch the stuff.
  • The future belongs to the few of us . . .
  • The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, folder
  • The Raven, folder
  • The rich need Volvos too.