• Lester Rossin Associates, Inc., Christmas mailing piece
  • Makes You Want to Go Fishing
  • Merry Christmas from Mademoiselle
  • Moving Announcment
  • Saul Bass, greeting Card
  • Scope (Fall, 1955)
  • Scope (Spring 1955)
  • Spectrum, cover:  Porphyria
  • Studio 18
  • Sweet Was the Song
  • The Lamp—November 1954
  • This Month Only Free Pack of Seeds
  • Time 1955, Christmas gift card
  • Animal Calendars
  • Beverly Hills Wine & Food Society Menu
  • Carload Club, luncheon menu
  • Charm Magazine’s Vacation Guide to New York
  • CIBA Kaeppeli Menu
  • Mademoiselle’s Calendar for 1956
  • Achromycin Ear Solution
  • Brahms Symphony #3
  • Dylan Thomas, vol. 3
  • Frank O’Connor, reading
  • II Duello (HSL 130)
  • Rock That Beat
  • Songs of Poulenc, Debussy, Roussel (HSL 154)
  • T.S. Eliot Reading Poems and Choruses