• Swing-Rite, letterhead
  • The Forty-First Street Theatre, business card
  • Westinghouse, trademark design
  • Aftercare, file brochure
  • Are You Sailing Data Way? leaflet
  • CBS Comprehensive Medical Plan, booklet
  • Cosnat Record Distributing Corporation Annual Report, cover
  • ETV: A Ford Foundation Pictorial Report
  • A Tribute to William Golden, booklet
  • Architectural and Engineering News cover, February 1961
  • Architectural and Engineering News cover, May 1961
  • Casado vacation, announcement
  • D. Wain, moving notice
  • Davis, birth announcement
  • Egon Schiele, catalogue
  • Evvie, jacket
  • For Black and White Art and Photography…, folder
  • Fortune 1961 Christmas, envelope
  • Gregory Christmas Card
  • Hayett Change of Address, broadside
  • Lewis Christmas Card
  • Monthly Graphic no. 28
  • Musachio Christmas Card
  • Our approach to the danger…, booklet
  • Paccione Christmas Card, dictionary
  • Perman, birth announcement
  • Proof Press, Volume 1, Issue 1