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  • Forest Education
  • General Foods Cook Book
  • Geography of Claudius Ptolemy, Translated and Edited by Edward Luther Stevenson, Based upon Greek and Latin Manuscripts and Important Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century Printed Editions, With an Introduction by Professor Joseph Fischer
  • Hepatica Hawkes
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  • Illustrations of the Utrecht Psalter
  • Iorana! A Tahitian Journal
  • John Dryden: The Poet, the Dramatist, the Critic—Three Essays
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  • Nikita: A Story of Russia
  • November
  • Now That the Gods Are Dead
  • Private Papers of James Boswell from Malahide Castle, Prepared for the Press by Geoffrey Scott and Frederick A. Pottle
  • Sailing Days on the Penobscot: The River and Bay as They Were in the Old Days, With a Record of Vessels Built There
  • Samuel Butler: A Mid-Victorian Modern
  • Scoring Systems for Flowers & Gardens, Collected by Hillsborough Garden Club
  • Sheba Visits Solomon
  • Sonnets from the Portuguese
  • The Captain’s Table: A Transatlantic Log
  • The Diary of Johann August Sutter, With an Introduction by Douglas S. Watson, Number 2 of the Grabhorn Press Reprints of Rare Americana